21163S Summer new men's clothing, ice silk sports, sports outdoor casual wear, men's T-shirt, sports quick-drying, round neck short-sleeved T-shirt, extremely fast cooling, moisture wicking, anti-stat

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Estimate Shipping Time: 7 Days

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Usually we will ship the goods on the same day or the next night. After the parcel is sent, it takes 2 days to reach the Shopee warehouse in another city. After Shopee completes the scan, the logistics information will be updated. Then, it takes about 7 days for the package to reach the destination, and about 10 days from order to completion.

If you receive a damaged or wrong product, please take a picture and tell us to deal with it. If the package is lost in local logistics, please contact customer service to solve the problem, the seller cannot solve the logistics problem in other countries.



1. Asian sizes are usually smaller than US/UK/EU sizes. Please check the size details carefully to get the correct size before buying. Thank you.

2. Color: Due to the different colors displayed on different computers, the color of the actual product may be slightly different from the above picture.

3. If you receive a damaged or wrong product, please take a picture and tell us to deal with it. If the package is lost in local logistics, please contact customer service to solve the problem, the seller cannot solve the logistics problem in other countries.

4. If you have other questions about the product, please contact us in time. We can help you solve most troubles and then provide you with good service.


happy shopping!!!

wish you a happy life! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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